Fifth-year primary class

The program in detail

  • Reading and understanding literature
  • Writing
  • Diction and memorising
  • Spelling
  • Conjugation
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics - Numbers
  • Space
  • English
  • German
  • Science
  • Arts
  • Sports
  • Bible studies

Reading and understanding literature

  • Reading aloud, with explanations of difficult words and the meaning of texts
  • Silent reading with questions to make sure a text has been understood correctly
  • Supervised reading (novels, tales, etc.)


  • Narrative to complete
  • Real or imaginary story writing
  • Poetry
  • Dialogue or interview
  • Descriptive or explanatory text using a model

Diction and memorising

  • Poems, fables and plays
  • Presentations


  • Lexical spelling
  • Grammatical spelling
  • Homophones
  • Agreement between nouns and adjectives
  • Verb agreement
  • Agreement of the past participle used with the auxiliary verb ‘to be’ (être)
  • Dictation


  • The present, imperfect, future and present perfect of auxiliary verbs, first-group and second-group verbs, and some third-group verbs


  • Sentence types: declarative, interrogative and negative
  • Subject groups
  • Verb groups including verb complements
  • Sentence complements
  • Noun groups: determiners, nouns, adjectives, prepositions


  • Using a dictionary
  • Word families
  • Different meanings of a word
  • Synonyms and opposites
  • Exploring semantic fields


  • Identifying relations between human activities and how space is organised
  • My canton: a place for living


  • Identifying how humankind has organised its collective life through the ages
  • Period of history: Prehistory

Mathematics - Numbers

  • Numbers up to 10,000
  • Additions, subtractions and multiplications of numbers with two or three figures, carrying over
  • Introducing divisions
  • Multiplication tables up to 10
  • Problem-solving for giving value to numbers and for using the four operations’ properties
  • Managing data (tables, graphs)


  • Sizes and measurements (lengths, time)
  • Organising space (shifting, symmetry)
  • Geometric figures (squares, rectangles, triangles, rhombuses)


  • Level 2 of the ‘Kid’s Box’ method. Preparing for the Cambridge ‘Young Learners Starters Test’ examination, covering comprehension and spoken and written expression (listening, reading and writing and an oral test)
  • Special lessons for English-speaking pupils using Level 2 of the ‘Nelson English’ method (developing fiction/non-fiction literature skills, grammar and spelling)

Lessons are given in half-groups by a specialist teacher who is a native English-speaker.


  • Introduction to the German language through dialogues, games and songs, using the method ‘Der Grüne Max – Deutsch für die Romandie – 5. Klasse’
  • Topics covered: greetings, alphabet, languages, countries, family and an annual topic chosen by the school

Lessons are given in half-groups by a specialist teacher who is a native German-speaker


  • Learning about natural science (physical and chemical phenomena, wildlife and plant biology) through observation and experiments


  • Cultivating an appreciation of artistic activities, stimulating pupils’ creativity and imagination
  • Trying out a wide range of techniques: drawing, painting, collage, cutting up, putting together, printing techniques, modelling, etc.
  • Using a wide range of materials: paper, cardboard, soil, fabrics, plaster, natural material, etc.
  • Introducing art: studying culture by associating names, works of artists, styles and readings
  • Making objects and gifts for different events (Christmas, Mother’s Day, etc.)

Artistic activities are taught for half of the year in French and the other half of the year in English by a native English-speaker so that pupils can put into practice points learned in lessons in a less formal setting.


  • Training in endurance running
  • Education in body movement and tone and in agility and coordination; exercises using equipment
  • Circuit training
  • Obstacle courses
  • Collective and cooperative games

Bible studies

  • Jesus in his country

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