Fourth-year primary class

The program in detail

  • Reading
  • Understanding literature
  • Writing
  • Diction and memorising
  • Spelling
  • Conjugation
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Handwriting
  • Mathematics - Numbers
  • Space
  • Anglais
  • Science
  • Arts
  • Sports
  • Bible studies


  • Revising points learned in the third-year primary class
  • Reading aloud daily while learning to respect punctuation and liaisons
  • Silent reading guided by worksheets

Understanding literature

  • Distinguishing publications by text type (Illustrated book, informative work, comic strip, etc.)
  • Recognising a book’s particularities (title, author, illustrator, version, summary, etc.)
  • Categorising works (by subject, author, version, collection, etc.)
  • Discovering emotions felt upon reading or listening to a book (fear, laughter, sadness, etc.)
  • Identifying links with lived experience


  • Writing a text for a recipient, in a group or individually

Diction and memorising

  • Memorising and reciting poems


  • Agreement between nouns, verbs and adjectives
  • Dictation prepared in advance (with a given text) and half-prepared in advance (with known words)


  • First-group verbs
  • Auxiliary verbs ‘to be’ (être) and ‘to have’ (avoir)
  • Verb ‘to go’ (aller)
  • Tenses studied: present indicative and imperfect


  • Learning the alphabetical order and categorising words
  • Verbs, nouns and their determiners, pronouns
  • Proper nouns and common nouns of people, animals and objects (gender and number)
  • Subject groups
  • Adjectives


  • Learning to spell words from everyday life
  • Widening vocabulary through reading and free, spoken and written expression
  • Initial exercises in looking up words in a dictionary


  • Lower-case and upper-case letters, regular exercises based on models

Mathematics - Numbers

  • Studying numbers up to 999
  • Units, tens and hundreds; odd and even numbers
  • Additions and subtractions in lines
  • Additions, subtractions and multiplications in columns, without carrying over
  • Additions and multiplications in columns, carrying over
  • Multiplication tables for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
  • Problem-solving for learning how to reason
  • Problem-solving for understanding a number and giving it value
  • Problem-solving for understanding additions and multiplications


  • Exploring and organising space
  • Geometric figures and transformations on a plane
  • Measurements


  • Learning the English language through listening, play, and spoken and written expression Using Level 1 of the ‘Kid’s Box’ audiovisual method (listening, reading, writing and speaking)
  • Special lessons for English-speaking pupils using the ‘Nelson English’ method (developing fiction/non-fiction skills and spelling)

Lessons are given in half-groups by a specialist teacher who is a native English-speaker.


  • Learning about natural science (physical and chemical phenomena, wildlife and plant biology) through observation and experiments


  • Cultivating an appreciation of artistic activities, stimulating pupils’ creativity and imagination
  • Trying out a wide range of techniques: drawing, painting, collage, cutting up, putting together, printing techniques, modelling, etc.
  • Using a wide range of materials: paper, cardboard, soil, fabrics, plaster, natural material, etc.
  • Introducing art: studying culture by associating names, works of artists, styles and readings
  • Making objects and gifts for different events (Christmas, Mother’s Day, etc.)

Teachers use artistic activities to introduce pupils to specific vocabulary relating to their creations


  • Physical condition (endurance, running, muscle tone)
  • Agility and coordination using various equipment and resources (small and large balls, pupil’s own body, etc.)
  • Cooperative and adversarial games
  • Experimenting with the body (jumping, climbing, throwing, etc.)

Bible studies

  • From Abraham to Joseph: the era of patriarchs

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