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- Admissions
Registration procedure
The registration at the Brechbühl School is done in two steps:
- An interview with the school principaland a school visit
- The submissionof the registration file along with school reports of previous years
Registration will only be final after the reception of the registration file and the payment of the related fees.
One or two integration days are obligatory to future students to get to know the class and allowing teachers to check their academic knowledge.
For Kindergarten, a morning welcome for parents and children is organized during the month of June preceding the start of the school year.
The starting age for Kindergarten is 3 years old, reached by October 31, and 4 years old, reached by October 31 for 1stPrimary .
Applications for registration for the next school year are accepted throughout the year.
School Fees
Consult the prices of schooling and additional services.
Why choose Brechbühl School?
- For a small-to-medium business,whichenables children to thrive in a caring atmosphere
- For a school of Genevan tradition,whichoffers excellent teaching since 1875
- For having among the best results in cantonal reference tests in the canton, which grant access to the secondary school of their choice.
Toutes les informations pour procéder aux démarches d’admission sont disponibles en ligne :